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Registration Procedures in Bahrain
Type of Trademarks:
- Visual mark- non-visual mark
- Collective mark
- Control and inspection mark
- The mark of public welfare bodies or professional institutions.
Term for protection:
- 10 years from (application date).
- Renewed within 12 months before expiry.
Cancellation Action:
Non use of the trademark within 5 years from the registration date.
- Power of attorney
- A copy of the mark figurative
- Certificate of incorporation or company commercial register extract.
- Certified copy of the priority document if the priority is claimed.
Opposition requirements:
- Power of attorney
- Attach two copies of any documents supporting the opposition.
- (English translation of the opposition letter) in case the opposition is for international trademark.
Term for protection:
- 20 years starting from the application filling date.
- Power of attorney
- Certificate of incorporation or company commercial register extract.
- Deed of assignments (if the applicant is not the inventor) signed by both parties.
- Priority document (if the priority is claimed).
- Power of attorney
- Priority document (if the priority is claimed).
- Any additional helpful documents.
Type of design:
- Drawings
- Models
Term for protection:
- 10 years starting from the application filling date.
- Power of attorney
- Copy of certificate of incorporation or company commercial register extract.
- Documents that state that the applicant has the right to register the industrial design or model.
- Certificate of temporary protection of the industrial design (if any).
70 years after the authors death.
- Power of attorney
- Copy of certificate of incorporation of or company commercial register extract.
- Dead of assignment (if the applicant is not the author) signed by both parties.
IP Treaties: (Bahrain joined):
- Paris Convention
- Nice agreement
- Berne convention
- Patent law treaty
- WIPO copyright treaty
- Brussels convention
- Trademark law treaty
- Rome convention
- PCT (Patent cooperation treaty)
- Madrid protocol
- WIPO convention
- WIPO performances and Phonograms treaty
- Budapest treaty
- GCC Treaty